New address from May 2024: Pluimstraat 16 - 9000 Gent

Reprint More Home, More Garden, available from August 2024

Marie-José Van Hee received an Ultima Award, the 2023 Flanders Prize for Architecture on 16 May 2023

2010-02 House Leroux - Van Der Hauwaert
Ghent, Belgium


Reconversion of a house designed by Paul Felix
with BAS Dirk Jaspaert
with the assistance of Sam De Vocht

photography David Grandorge





Heyninckx, Rajesh, 'A Canopy' in 'Consolidation and Resonance, Multiple micro-logic', Flanders Architectural Review 13 - This Is a Mustard Factory, Flemish Architecture Institute, pp. 243-244