
2019-01 House Verheye - De Mol
Duffel, Belgium - 2019-2023
2019-01 House Verheye - De Mol
Duffel, Belgium - 2019-2023

2018-09 Brielpoortbrug
Deinze, Belgium - 2018-2021
2018-09 Brielpoortbrug
Deinze, Belgium - 2018-2021

2015-04 Housing with 99 apartments
Koksijde, Belgium - 2015-2021
2015-04 Housing with 99 apartments
Koksijde, Belgium - 2015-2021

2015-08 House De Wilde
Ghent, Belgium - 2015-2020
2015-08 House De Wilde
Ghent, Belgium - 2015-2020

2014-02 Suburban Housing with 62 semi-detached homes
Boortmeerbeek, Belgium - 2014-2022
2014-02 Suburban Housing with 62 semi-detached homes
Boortmeerbeek, Belgium - 2014-2022

2014-06 Housing for the Elderly
Deinze, Belgium - 2014-2021
2014-06 Housing for the Elderly
Deinze, Belgium - 2014-2021
2014-01 House H-L
Argentario, Italy - 2014-2020
2014-01 House H-L
Argentario, Italy - 2014-2020

2014-05 House and studio Phlips Davans
Ghent, Belgium - 2014-2019
2014-05 House and studio Phlips Davans
Ghent, Belgium - 2014-2019

2014-03 Reconversion House Declercq
Hansbeke, Belgium - 2014-2018
2014-03 Reconversion House Declercq
Hansbeke, Belgium - 2014-2018

2012-06 Housing with 34 apartments, Academie
Ghent, Belgium - 2012-2022
2012-06 Housing with 34 apartments, Academie
Ghent, Belgium - 2012-2022

2012-05 Reconversion House Verbeke
Ghent, Belgium - 2012-2017
2012-05 Reconversion House Verbeke
Ghent, Belgium - 2012-2017

2010-11 Housing Lindenlei
Ghent, Belgium - 2010-2021
2010-11 Housing Lindenlei
Ghent, Belgium - 2010-2021

2010-08 Reconversion House Willems - Van Gils
Ravels, Belgium - 2010-2019
2010-08 Reconversion House Willems - Van Gils
Ravels, Belgium - 2010-2019

2010-01 House Coppens - Cocquyt
Landegem, Belgium - 2010-2015
2010-01 House Coppens - Cocquyt
Landegem, Belgium - 2010-2015

2010-02 House Leroux - Van Der Hauwaert
Ghent, Belgium - 2010-2015
2010-02 House Leroux - Van Der Hauwaert
Ghent, Belgium - 2010-2015

2009-10 Reconversion House Kongs
Ghent, Belgium - 2009-2016
2009-10 Reconversion House Kongs
Ghent, Belgium - 2009-2016

2009-11 House Van Gysel - Strijkers
Kallo, Belgium - 2009-2016
2009-11 House Van Gysel - Strijkers
Kallo, Belgium - 2009-2016

2009-02 House Pijpaert – Aers
Oudenaarde, Belgium - 2009-2014
2009-02 House Pijpaert – Aers
Oudenaarde, Belgium - 2009-2014

2009-07 House Braeckman - De Rijcke
Gavere, Belgium - 2009-2014
2009-07 House Braeckman - De Rijcke
Gavere, Belgium - 2009-2014

2009-14 Refurbishment Market Square, road infrastructure, Reinbachplein, public space and riverbanks Leie
Deinze, Belgium - 2009-2013
2009-14 Refurbishment Market Square, road infrastructure, Reinbachplein, public space and riverbanks Leie
Deinze, Belgium - 2009-2013

2008-01 House Degryse - Gunst
Torhout, Belgium - 2008-2013
2008-01 House Degryse - Gunst
Torhout, Belgium - 2008-2013

2008-07 Reconversion House and office Decru-Lambers
Ghent, Belgium - 2008-2012
2008-07 Reconversion House and office Decru-Lambers
Ghent, Belgium - 2008-2012

2007-15 House V-D
Ghent, Belgium - 2007-2019
2007-15 House V-D
Ghent, Belgium - 2007-2019

2007-03 House HdF
Zuidzande, The Netherlands - 2007-2011
2007-03 House HdF
Zuidzande, The Netherlands - 2007-2011

2007-14 House Muskala - Van Hee
Bachte-Maria-Leerne, Belgium - 2007-2010
2007-14 House Muskala - Van Hee
Bachte-Maria-Leerne, Belgium - 2007-2010

2007-05 House Vandewalle - Vandamme
Ghent, Belgium - 2007
2007-05 House Vandewalle - Vandamme
Ghent, Belgium - 2007

2005-02 House and practice Van Aelten - Oosterlinck
Opwijk, Belgium - 2005-2011
2005-02 House and practice Van Aelten - Oosterlinck
Opwijk, Belgium - 2005-2011

2004-01 Reconversion of a warehouse into Arts Centre Expeditie
Ghent, Belgium - 2004-2013
2004-01 Reconversion of a warehouse into Arts Centre Expeditie
Ghent, Belgium - 2004-2013

2004-04 House Vandekerckhove - Vandeputte
Mariakerke, Belgium - 2004
2004-04 House Vandekerckhove - Vandeputte
Mariakerke, Belgium - 2004

2003-06 Office & apartment Bailleul
Ghent, Belgium - 2003-2010
2003-06 Office & apartment Bailleul
Ghent, Belgium - 2003-2010

2003-11 House Anné - Buyl
Lampernisse, Belgium - 2003-2007
2003-11 House Anné - Buyl
Lampernisse, Belgium - 2003-2007

2003-05 House De Borger - De Brabanter
Rendeux, Belgium - 2003-2005
2003-05 House De Borger - De Brabanter
Rendeux, Belgium - 2003-2005

2001-04 House Vanleemput - Oosterlinck
Wetteren, Belgium - 2001-2003
2001-04 House Vanleemput - Oosterlinck
Wetteren, Belgium - 2001-2003

2000-03 House De Keersmaecker - Tollebeek
Sint-Amands-aan-de-Schelde, Belgium - 2000-2002
2000-03 House De Keersmaecker - Tollebeek
Sint-Amands-aan-de-Schelde, Belgium - 2000-2002

1999-03 Fashion Museum - Modenatie
Antwerp, Belgium - 1999-2003
1999-03 Fashion Museum - Modenatie
Antwerp, Belgium - 1999-2003
1999-02 Reconversion House Devos
Heusden, Belgium - 1999-2002
1999-02 Reconversion House Devos
Heusden, Belgium - 1999-2002

1997-02 House L-C
Ghent, Belgium - 1998-2000
1997-02 House L-C
Ghent, Belgium - 1998-2000

1997-02 House and Shop Oosterlinck - Mertens
Wetteren, Belgium - 1997-1999
1997-02 House and Shop Oosterlinck - Mertens
Wetteren, Belgium - 1997-1999

1997-03 Refurbishment of Leopold De Waelplaats Square and surroundings of the Museum of Fine Arts
Antwerp, Belgium - 1997-1999
1997-03 Refurbishment of Leopold De Waelplaats Square and surroundings of the Museum of Fine Arts
Antwerp, Belgium - 1997-1999

1996-02 Refurbishment of the inner city central squares Korenmarkt, Emile Braunplein, Market Hall
Ghent, Belgium - 1996-2012
1996-02 Refurbishment of the inner city central squares Korenmarkt, Emile Braunplein, Market Hall
Ghent, Belgium - 1996-2012

1994-01 House Van Hee
Ghent, Belgium - 1994-1998
1994-01 House Van Hee
Ghent, Belgium - 1994-1998

1993-02 House and Pharmacy De Causmaecker - Bouckaert
Lokeren - 1993-1995
1993-02 House and Pharmacy De Causmaecker - Bouckaert
Lokeren - 1993-1995

1990-02 House, office and storehouse Van Hee - Coppens
Deinze, Belgium - 1990-1993
1990-02 House, office and storehouse Van Hee - Coppens
Deinze, Belgium - 1990-1993

1990-04 Gallery and apartment Hufkens
Elsene, Belgium - 1990-1992
1990-04 Gallery and apartment Hufkens
Elsene, Belgium - 1990-1992

1988-05 Offices and apartments La Source
Brussels - 1988-1991
1988-05 Offices and apartments La Source
Brussels - 1988-1991

1988-03 House and office Claeys
Ghent, Belgium - 1988-1990
1988-03 House and office Claeys
Ghent, Belgium - 1988-1990

1986-01 Shop Comme des Garçons
Brussels, Belgium - 1986-1988
1986-01 Shop Comme des Garçons
Brussels, Belgium - 1986-1988

1985-01 House Vinken - Van Hee
Passendale, Belgium - 1985-1990
1985-01 House Vinken - Van Hee
Passendale, Belgium - 1985-1990

1983-01 House Lowie - Derks
Ghent, Belgium - 1983-1986
1983-01 House Lowie - Derks
Ghent, Belgium - 1983-1986

1982-03 Distribution transformer
Ghent, Belgium - 1982-1984
1982-03 Distribution transformer
Ghent, Belgium - 1982-1984

1979-02 House De Blaere
Maldegem, Belgium - 1979-1981
1979-02 House De Blaere
Maldegem, Belgium - 1979-1981
1977-01 House Van Hee - Coppens
Bachte-Maria-Leerne, Belgium - 1977-1979
1977-01 House Van Hee - Coppens
Bachte-Maria-Leerne, Belgium - 1977-1979